Submission #3418449

Source Code Expand

import algorithm, tables, sets, lists, queues, intsets, critbits, sequtils, strutils, math, future

  SplayNode*[Key,T] = ref object
      ## Node for Splay Tree
      left* : SplayNode[Key,T]
      right* : SplayNode[Key,T]
      parent* : SplayNode[Key,T]
      key* : Key
      value* : T
      size* : int
  SplayTree*[Key,T] = object
      ## Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree
      root* : SplayNode[Key,T]
      comp* : proc(x : Key,y : Key) : bool
proc newSplayNode[Key,T](key : Key , val : T) : SplayNode[Key,T] =
  ## Create new SplayNode. O(1)
  var x : SplayNode[Key,T] = new SplayNode[Key,T]
  x.left = nil
  x.right = nil
  x.parent = nil
  x.key = key
  x.value = val
  x.size = 1
  return x
proc newSplayTree*[Key,T](comp : proc(x : Key,y : Key) : bool) : SplayTree[Key,T] = 
  ## Create new Splay Tree. O(1)
  var splay : SplayTree[Key,T]
  splay.root = nil
  splay.comp = comp
  return splay
proc size_update[Key,T](x : var SplayNode[Key,T]) =
  if x != nil:
      x.size = 1 + x.left.node_size() + x.right.node_size()
proc set_left[Key,T](par : var SplayNode[Key,T] , x : var SplayNode[Key,T]) =
  if par != nil : 
      par.left = x
  if x != nil :
      x.parent = par
proc set_right[Key,T](par : var SplayNode[Key,T] , x : var SplayNode[Key,T]) =
  if par != nil : 
      par.right = x
  if x != nil :
      x.parent = par
proc node_size[Key,T](x : SplayNode[Key,T]) : int =
  if x == nil:
      return 0
  return x.size
proc zig[Key,T](x : var SplayNode[Key,T]) =
  var p = x.parent
  if p.parent != nil:
      if(p.parent.left == p):
      x.parent = nil
proc zag[Key,T](x : var SplayNode[Key,T]) =
  var p = x.parent
  if p.parent != nil:
      if(p.parent.left == p):
      x.parent = nil
proc splay*[Key,T](sp_tree : var SplayTree[Key,T],x : var SplayNode[Key,T]) =
  ## Splaying operation of node x. amortized O(logN)
  if x == nil:
  while x.parent != nil:
      if x.parent.parent == nil:
          if x.parent.left == x:
      elif x.parent.parent.left == x.parent and x.parent.left == x:
      elif x.parent.parent.left == x.parent and x.parent.right == x:
      elif x.parent.parent.right == x.parent and x.parent.right == x:
  sp_tree.root = x
proc find*[Key,T](sp_tree : var SplayTree[Key,T] , key : Key) : bool =
  ## if the node with the key exists, splay it and return true. else splay the last node and return false. amortized O(logN)
  var z : SplayNode[Key,T] = sp_tree.root
  var p : SplayNode[Key,T] = nil
  while z != nil:
      p = z
      if sp_tree.comp(z.key,key):
          z = z.right
      elif sp_tree.comp(key,z.key):
          z = z.left
          return true
  return false
proc insert*[Key,T](sp_tree : var SplayTree[Key,T] , key : Key , val : T) =
  ## insert the node with key and val. if find the node with the key, do nothing. amortized O(logN)
  var z = newSplayNode(key,val)
  if sp_tree.root == nil:
      sp_tree.root = z
  elif sp_tree.comp(sp_tree.root.key,key):
proc erase*[Key,T](sp_tree : var SplayTree[Key,T] , key : Key) : bool =
  ## erase the node with the key. amortized O(logN)
  if not sp_tree.find(key):
      return false
  var z = sp_tree.root
  if z.left == nil and z.right == nil:
      sp_tree.root = nil
  elif z.left == nil:
      sp_tree.root = z.right
      sp_tree.root.parent = nil
  elif z.right == nil:
      sp_tree.root = z.left
      sp_tree.root.parent = nil
      var lm = z.left
      while lm.right != nil:
          lm = lm.right
      z.left.parent = nil
      sp_tree.root = lm
  return true
proc size*[Key,T](sp_tree : SplayTree[Key,T]) : int =
  ## size of Splay Tree. O(1) 
  return sp_tree.root.node_size
proc nth_node*[Key,T](sp_tree : SplayTree[Key,T] , n : int) : ref int =
  ## return the nth node's key of key. if it doesn't exist, return nil. amortized O(logN)
  var now = n
  var z = sp_tree.root
  while z != nil:
      if z.left.node_size == now:
          var n = new int
          n[] = z.key
          return n
      if z.left.node_size < now:
          now -= z.left.node_size + 1
          z = z.right
          z = z.left
  return nil

var input : seq[string] = @[]
var in_cnt = 0

proc gs() : string =
  if input.len == in_cnt:
    in_cnt = 0
    input = stdin.readline.split
  in_cnt += 1
  return input[in_cnt - 1]

proc gi() : int =
  return gs().parseInt
proc gf() : float =
  return gs().parseFloat

import sequtils,sets,math
  Edge* = object
    to : int
  Graph*[E] = object
    edges : seq[seq[Edge]]
    n : int

proc newGraph*[E](n : int) : Graph[E] =
  var g : Graph[E]
  g.edges = newSeqWith(n , newSeq[E](0))
  g.n = n
  return g

proc `[]`*[E](g : var Graph[E] , k : int) : var seq[Edge] =
  return g.edges[k]

proc lowlink*[E](g : Graph[E]) : seq[tuple[a : int , b : int]] =
    bridge : seq[tuple[a : int , b : int]] = @[]
    n = g.n
    used = newSeqWith(n , false)
    ord = newSeqWith(n , 0)
    low = newSeqWith(n , 0)
    dfs : proc(v , K , f : int) : int
  dfs = proc(v , K , f : int) : int =
    var k = K
    used[v] = true
    ord[v] = k
    low[v] = ord[v]
    for e in g.edges[v]:
      if not used[]:
        k = dfs( , k , v)
        low[v] = min(low[v] , low[])
        if ord[v] < low[]: bridge.add((min(v , , max(v ,
      elif != f: low[v] = min(low[v] , ord[])
    return k
  discard dfs(0,0,-1)
  return bridge

proc twoEdgeConnectedComponent*[E](g : Graph[E]) : tuple[cmp : seq[int] , tree : Graph[E]] =
    bridge = g.lowlink
    st = newSplayTree[int,int](proc(x , y : int) : bool = return x < y)
    n = g.n
    cmp = newSeqWith(n , -1)
    dfs : proc(v , f , k : int)
    k = 0
  for b in bridge: st.insert(b.a * g.n + b.b,0)
  dfs = proc(v,f,k : int) =
    cmp[v] = k
    for e in g.edges[v]:
      if cmp[] == -1 and not st.find(min(v, * g.n + max(v,
        dfs( , v , k)
  for i in 0..<n:
    if cmp[i] == -1:
      dfs(i , -1 , k)
  var tree = newGraph[Edge](k)
  for e in bridge:
    tree[cmp[e.a]].add(Edge(to : cmp[e.b]))
    tree[cmp[e.b]].add(Edge(to : cmp[e.a]))
  return (cmp , tree)

type LowestCommonAncestor = object
  n : int
  log2_n : int
  parent : seq[seq[int]]
  depth : seq[int]

proc initLowestCommonAncestor*[E](g : Graph[E]) : LowestCommonAncestor =
  var lca : LowestCommonAncestor
  lca.n = g.n
  lca.log2_n = ((int)log2((float)lca.n) + 2)
  lca.parent = newSeqWith(lca.log2_n , newSeqWith(lca.n,0))
  lca.depth = newSeqWith(lca.n , 0)
  var dfs : proc(v , f , d : int)
  dfs = proc(v,f,d : int) =
    lca.parent[0][v] = f
    lca.depth[v] = d
    for e in g.edges[v]:
      if != f: dfs( , v , d + 1)
  for k in 0..<lca.log2_n-1:
    for v in 0..<lca.n:
      if lca.parent[k][v] < 0: lca.parent[k + 1][v] = -1
      else: lca.parent[k + 1][v] = lca.parent[k][lca.parent[k][v]]
  return lca
proc getLowestCommonAncestor*(lca : LowestCommonAncestor,a : int , b : int) : tuple[parent : int , depth : int]=
    u = a
    v = b
  if lca.depth[u] > lca.depth[v]: swap(u,v)
  for k in 0..<lca.log2_n:
    if (((lca.depth[v] - lca.depth[u]) shr k) and 1) == 1:
      v = lca.parent[k][v]
  if u == v: return (u , lca.depth[u])
  for k in countdown(lca.log2_n - 1 , 0):
    if lca.parent[k][u] != lca.parent[k][v]:
      u = lca.parent[k][u]
      v = lca.parent[k][v]
  u = lca.parent[0][u]
  return (u , lca.depth[u])

proc dist*(lca : LowestCommonAncestor , a : int , b : int) : int =
  return lca.depth[a] + lca.depth[b] - lca.getLowestCommonAncestor(a , b).depth * 2

var N = gi()
var M = gi()
var G = newGraph[Edge](N)

for i in 1..M:
    a = gi()
    b = gi()
  G[a].add(Edge(to : b))
  G[b].add(Edge(to : a))

var p = G.twoEdgeConnectedComponent
var lca = p.tree.initLowestCommonAncestor
var cmp = p.cmp

var Q = gi()

for i in 1..Q:
    a = gi()
    b = gi()
    c = gi()
  a = cmp[a - 1]
  b = cmp[b - 1]
  c = cmp[c - 1]
  if lca.dist(a,b) + lca.dist(b,c) == lca.dist(a , c): echo "OK"
  else: echo "NG"

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - 旅行会社高橋君
User niuez
Language Nim (0.13.0)
Score 100
Code Size 9202 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 1018 ms
Memory 101564 KB

Compile Error

Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: Main [Processing]
Hint: algorithm [Processing]
Hint: tables [Processing]
Hint: hashes [Processing]
Hint: strutils [Processing]
Hint: parseutils [Processing]
Hint: etcpriv [Processing]
Hint: math [Processing]
Hint: times [Processing]
Hint: sets [Processing]
Hint: os [Processing]
Hint: posix [Processing]
Hint: lists [Processing]
Hint: queues [Processing]
Hint: intsets [Processing]
Hint: critbits [Processing]
lib/pure/collections/critbits.nim(125, 7) Hint: 'n' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
Hint: sequtils [Processing]
Hint: future [Processing]
Hint: macros [Processing]
Main.nim(206, 10) Hint: 'E' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
Main.nim(199, 6) Hint: '' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
Hint:  [Link]
Hint: operation successful (25779 lines compiled; 2.757 sec total; 26.271MB; Release Build) [SuccessX]

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 100 / 100
AC × 3
AC × 80
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample_0.txt, sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt
All bigcycleandsub_0.txt, bigcycleandsub_1.txt, cluster_0.txt, cluster_1.txt, cluster_2.txt, cluster_3.txt, cluster_4.txt, cycleline_0.txt, cycleline_1.txt, cycleline_2.txt, cycleline_3.txt, cycleline_4.txt, cycletree_0.txt, cycletree_1.txt, cycletree_2.txt, cycletree_3.txt, cycletree_4.txt, large_0.txt, large_1.txt, large_2.txt, line_0.txt, line_1.txt, lineandsub_0.txt, lineandsub_1.txt, lineandsub_2.txt, maxrand_0.txt, maxrand_1.txt, maxrand_2.txt, maxrandandsub_0.txt, maxrandandsub_1.txt, maxrandandsub_2.txt, maxrandandsub_3.txt, maxrandandsub_4.txt, med_0.txt, med_1.txt, med_2.txt, med_3.txt, med_4.txt, med_5.txt, med_6.txt, med_7.txt, med_8.txt, med_9.txt, perfect_0.txt, perfect_1.txt, perfect_2.txt, sample_0.txt, sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt, small_0.txt, small_1.txt, small_2.txt, small_3.txt, small_4.txt, small_5.txt, small_6.txt, small_7.txt, small_8.txt, small_9.txt, star_0.txt, star_1.txt, star_2.txt, tencluster_0.txt, tencluster_1.txt, tencluster_2.txt, tencluster_3.txt, tencluster_4.txt, tree_0.txt, tree_1.txt, tree_2.txt, verysmall_0.txt, verysmall_1.txt, verysmall_2.txt, verysmall_3.txt, verysmall_4.txt, verysmall_5.txt, verysmall_6.txt, verysmall_7.txt, verysmall_8.txt, verysmall_9.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
bigcycleandsub_0.txt AC 461 ms 43504 KB
bigcycleandsub_1.txt AC 477 ms 43504 KB
cluster_0.txt AC 460 ms 33648 KB
cluster_1.txt AC 452 ms 33904 KB
cluster_2.txt AC 449 ms 33264 KB
cluster_3.txt AC 447 ms 33776 KB
cluster_4.txt AC 453 ms 33520 KB
cycleline_0.txt AC 488 ms 29680 KB
cycleline_1.txt AC 497 ms 30064 KB
cycleline_2.txt AC 510 ms 29424 KB
cycleline_3.txt AC 507 ms 29424 KB
cycleline_4.txt AC 492 ms 30320 KB
cycletree_0.txt AC 502 ms 29424 KB
cycletree_1.txt AC 500 ms 29552 KB
cycletree_2.txt AC 500 ms 29424 KB
cycletree_3.txt AC 500 ms 29424 KB
cycletree_4.txt AC 503 ms 29424 KB
large_0.txt AC 365 ms 36412 KB
large_1.txt AC 79 ms 5628 KB
large_2.txt AC 262 ms 33404 KB
line_0.txt AC 664 ms 101564 KB
line_1.txt AC 472 ms 98876 KB
lineandsub_0.txt AC 864 ms 97596 KB
lineandsub_1.txt AC 842 ms 100412 KB
lineandsub_2.txt AC 884 ms 99260 KB
maxrand_0.txt AC 439 ms 42736 KB
maxrand_1.txt AC 457 ms 42736 KB
maxrand_2.txt AC 443 ms 42736 KB
maxrandandsub_0.txt AC 546 ms 48112 KB
maxrandandsub_1.txt AC 561 ms 47984 KB
maxrandandsub_2.txt AC 574 ms 48268 KB
maxrandandsub_3.txt AC 556 ms 48112 KB
maxrandandsub_4.txt AC 553 ms 47984 KB
med_0.txt AC 4 ms 636 KB
med_1.txt AC 3 ms 380 KB
med_2.txt AC 3 ms 508 KB
med_3.txt AC 3 ms 636 KB
med_4.txt AC 5 ms 764 KB
med_5.txt AC 3 ms 636 KB
med_6.txt AC 4 ms 764 KB
med_7.txt AC 3 ms 764 KB
med_8.txt AC 2 ms 380 KB
med_9.txt AC 2 ms 636 KB
perfect_0.txt AC 165 ms 8316 KB
perfect_1.txt AC 76 ms 8700 KB
perfect_2.txt AC 162 ms 8572 KB
sample_0.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sample_1.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sample_2.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
small_0.txt AC 3 ms 380 KB
small_1.txt AC 2 ms 380 KB
small_2.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
small_3.txt AC 1 ms 380 KB
small_4.txt AC 3 ms 380 KB
small_5.txt AC 3 ms 380 KB
small_6.txt AC 1 ms 380 KB
small_7.txt AC 2 ms 380 KB
small_8.txt AC 3 ms 380 KB
small_9.txt AC 2 ms 380 KB
star_0.txt AC 990 ms 94056 KB
star_1.txt AC 1018 ms 92488 KB
star_2.txt AC 973 ms 94952 KB
tencluster_0.txt AC 447 ms 34672 KB
tencluster_1.txt AC 446 ms 34160 KB
tencluster_2.txt AC 444 ms 33904 KB
tencluster_3.txt AC 452 ms 34928 KB
tencluster_4.txt AC 450 ms 34800 KB
tree_0.txt AC 941 ms 92760 KB
tree_1.txt AC 920 ms 92700 KB
tree_2.txt AC 934 ms 92488 KB
verysmall_0.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_1.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_2.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_3.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_4.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_5.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_6.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_7.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_8.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
verysmall_9.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB